First flight with humanitarian aid to India
The 22 tons of medical supplies sent to India with the humanitarian flight organized by Open Arms and the Vicente Ferrer Foundation have reached their destination.
This morning dozens of oxygen concentrators, empty oxygen cylinders, finger pulse oximeters, ECPAP masks, CPAC devices, masks and protective equipment (PPE) have been delivered to the Bathalapalli hospital of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation.
The hospital, designated as a Covid-19 reference center by the Government of the state of Andhra Pradesh since last April 20, has 245 beds, 213 of which are prepared for patients who require oxygen.

The Bathalapalli hospital is currently at 100% of its capacity and some beds of the Infectious Diseases Unit have had to be adapted for patients with covid-19.
India continues to record alarming numbers of infections that exceed 400,000 new cases a day. The country faces a total of 21.5 million accumulated cases, 3.65 active cases and more than 4,000 deaths a day.
Now the most worrying emergency is the increase in infections among boys and girls with more serious diagnoses. The country is still struggling to find more oxygen reserves to alleviate the health emergency in the country and the lack of oxygen in its hospitals. Around 40 countries around the world have announced the dispatch of humanitarian aid to India.
The Boeing 787 with the medical supplies left Barcelona last Friday thanks to the collaboration between Open Arms and the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and has had the support of Enrique Piñeyro, pilot and president of Solidaire.
Both the material and the logistics have been achieved thanks to the rapid response of civil society and numerous collaborating entities and individuals, who have made it possible in just 5 days of mobilization.