Learn about the most relevant news regarding Open Arms and its rescue missions. Discover the vision of the team of journalists on board and their essential work of raising awareness and reporting.

Open Arms rescues 133 people in a few hours in the Mediterranean near the island of Lampedusa
In just three days, the Catalan NGO has rescued 320 people in the same area of the Central Mediterranean

In pictures: Migrants rescued in central Mediterranean

Òscar Camps: "We may be facing the worst tragedy in the Mediterranean in recent decades".
The founder of Open Arms, Òscar Camps, accuses the European border agency, Frontex, and the Greek and Italian coastguards of inactivity in the wake of the shipwreck in the south of the Peloponnese that has killed at least 79 people.

L'Open Arms, bloquejat i multat a Itàlia per rescatar dues pasteres sense permís
El govern italià ha bloquejat l'activitat de rescat al Mediterrani de vaixells de tres ONG en només tres dies

Italia bloquea y multa al Open Arms tras desembarcar a 195 personas en el puerto de Carrara
Las autoridades italianas han decretado el bloqueo durante 20 días de la nave humanitaria Open Arms, de la ONG española homónima, por llevar a cabo varios rescates cuando navegaba hacia el puerto asignado, de Marina de Carrara (noroeste), donde este lunes desembarcaron las 195 personas que había socorrido en los últimos días en el Mediterráneo Central.

Sea rescue NGOs denounce EU and Greek inaction: These are preventable tragedies
Médecins Sans Frontières and Open Arms, which have been operating in the Mediterranean for years, denounce, after the deadly shipwreck off the coast of southern Greece, the EU's "inaction" in rescuing migrants, with a policy limited to border control that is causing thousands of deaths at sea.

Open Arms rescues 117 migrants in central Mediterranean
The humanitarian boat of the Spanish organisation Open Arms rescued 117 migrants on Saturday, including 31 minors and a three-year-old boy.

What are the rescues of the Open Arms Uno like? Let's get on board the boat
Open Arms Uno has been waiting for 8 months for permits to begin rescue and rescue missions in the Mediterranean

Saving lives in the Mediterranean, a sea of obstacles for NGOs
Maritime rescue organizations suffer from the criminalization of their activity and face regulations that prevent more migrant lives from being saved at sea.

The rescue that prevented the death of 47 people in the Mediterranean: "Open your eyes and cough, don't stop coughing".
The Spanish NGO Open Arms saves fifty people from a sinking boat, including a pregnant woman and a baby. EL PAÍS witnessed the operation.

The life of the people rescued by the Open Arms Uno, in pictures
The story of every day on board the 'Open Arms Uno', in search of a safe port to disembark rescued migrants in the Mediterranean.

Los desaparecidos que habitan el Open Arms
Report on board the Open Arms. The NGO keeps track of the people rescued at sea, but cannot count the lives that slip through the waves.

La agonía del Open Arms
A "Informe Semanal" team is on board the Open Arms and follows the evolution of the crisis, its political consequences and the growing desperation of the castaways.

Mediterráneo Central – Experiencia de Guillermo Cañardo
Guillermo Cañardo, a doctor who for the past two years has dedicated himself body and soul to the rescue of immigrants trying to reach Europe by boat across the Mediterranean.

Misión 65
The program tells the story of the Open Arms' arduous journey this summer. The Open Arms ship set sail from the port of Syracuse, in Sicily, on July 29. It was its 65th mission, the toughest of all.

Entrevista a Oscar Camps
The founder of ProActiva Open Arms is asking for help to repair the boat or to replace it with a new one to continue rescuing people who risk their lives at sea to escape misery and barbarism.

Tres semanas a bordo del Open Arms, el barco de la esperanza
Many people continue to drown every day in the Mediterranean without anyone to help them. This is the 82nd mission of this NGO, which has already rescued more than 62,000 people over the last 5 years thanks to private donations and the vocation of its volunteers.

Los brazos del Mediterráneo
The podcast "Los brazos del Mediterráneo", from SER Podcast, tells the stories of the workers and volunteers of Open Arms dedicated to the rescue of people.

Europe’s forgotten graveyard
The Mediterranean Sea has become an unmarked grave for thousand of migrants who drowned during their attempt to reach Europe, pushed by war, persecution and poverty.

The cruel sea
As Europe tries to stop the boats, lifeguards from the calm beaches of Barcelona are stepping in to save lives on the open sea.

Chapter 1 of season 12 of "Salvados". The chapter Astral talks about the Open Arms Astral mission and is available on Atresplayer.